I turn 40 this July and I want to loose 40 pounds by then. This seems reasonable, I have 6 months, and if I loose 8 pounds a month I more than meet my goal. This is 2 pounds a week, though 7 pounds a month can also work.
I decided to revisit an old friend-- Atkins. I did this diet a few years ago, and it really changed my life. I had beautiful clear skin, lovely shiny hair and lost a bunch of weight, so why not try again. Also it is pretty easy to find things to eat no matter where you are.
Today is the 5th day and I am now 37lbs away from my 40 by 40 goal. I cant wait to weigh in next week to see how much I have lost by then. (I am a little bloated right now).
When I start a new diet, I have to give my self little treats for motivation. This week was smoked salmon. Next week (the beginning of work out week) is a new I-pod shuffle. It just clips on and holds 200 songs. I cant wait to load it up and start working out.
No worries dear reader, you will be kept up to date on each and every ounce lost. Or not.