Saturday, February 02, 2008

Obama The First Black President

Ok. I am am Obama supporter. I am a little late jumping on this wagon, but now I am about to do something I have never done before, I am actually going to give money to his campaign. This will be my first donation to ANY politician, so you know I am in it for real. I have several friends, who have given time, money and even created organizations to support Obama, and I am ashamed to be so late in joining in. Now, February in any normal presidential election cycle isn't really late, but for this one I feel as though I am behind the curve.

His win in Iowa, his speech after that win, helped bring me to this point, but, sadly, what really brought me here was the nasty, racial campagining of the Clintons.  Billary was a kinder gentle version of the Clintons, but HillBilly is just horrid.

If Hillary can not control Bill in her campagne-- to the Democratic faithful, no less, how is she ever going to control him in a the White House.

Bill Clinton (who I used to love and defend) has shown his ass to his black supporters with his tacticts in late January in this race. His Jessie Jackson cracks, his attempts to marginalize Obama, his claiming to be the first black president. All nasty, undignified, crackerish, and typical of a white man who sees that he is loosing to a black man.

With respect to the black president claim, this came from an article written by Toni Morrison in the New Yorker magazine at the hight of the blow job Lewinski scandle.  She stated that Bill was being persecuted as though he was the first black president, as white men generally do not face such harsh censure and punishment (impeachment for infidelity) as black men do (death penality for rape of a white woman) for the same "crimes."

I find it interesting that Hillary has joked that she is in an interracial marriage, not. And that they tout this "title" out of context all of the time. Lets get real. 

I am not trying to discount any work that the Clintons have done for civil rights, but the welfare bill that Billary signed was not universaily good for the black folk on welfare, and their treatment of old friends, Joycelyn Elders and Lani Gunier was nothing short of shameful. Where were the black cabinet memebers, Even W has/had two.

At any rate, the disgusting recent activities of the Clintons (not to be confused with disgusting earlier activities) have really caused me to sit back and take stock. Not of Obama, who I supported before, but they caused me to really think deeply about being a stronger supporter. So I suppose I should thank HillBilly.