Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just admit that you don't know

Ok. It is finally over, the results are in and Hillary won the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. By 3%. I am not thrilled as I am an Obama supporter, but hey it was close and there are 48 other states to vote.

What is currently ticking me off, is the pundits and the 24 hour news cycle. It seems to me that the biggest looser in this whole thing, other than the American public, is the truth. Polls showed Obama winning by double digits, and he lost by 3%. The pundits and the news teams took the polls as the gospel and declared Obama the winner in NH before a single vote was cast. These same pundits are the ones who determined that this race was Hillary's to loose. Shockingly, not, they were wrong both times. I would rather have them be off the air from time to time, than filling the air with their speculation and desires. On MSNBC the hosts were nearly filled with what looked a bit like religious fervor when discussing the Obama rallies that they had attended. What happened to impartial reporting. Now, being a fan of Obama, I did not mind, but really.

This morning, at least on the Today Show, they are admitting that they were totally wrong, and that they actually can not predict what is going to happen. I am sure that as the day lengthens that too will change, and they will start to blame the polls or the weather, or some other totally unrelated issue.

Sigh, only 300+ days until this is over.


Today is a travel day, I am going to wear jeans and a sweater. No overlap, day 2.