I am sitting here looking at the New Hampshire returns. Now more than ever I am regretting the 24 hour news cycle. Since 6:00 pm MSNBC has had moment by moment coverage of the returns, even though they were not allowed to talk about any real returns until the polls closed at 8:00 pm.
Who are these people who demand such coverage. I would be more than happy to see returns once they were all in. I don't need to know the returns with only 10% of the precincts reporting. I think CNN even has a real time counter. How are they doing that, more important, why are they doing that?!?
We as a nation are over informed, over stimulated and I am thinking about unplugging from the news cycle. The problem is that Sweetie is a news junkie, he watches CNN, C-SPAN, and the weather channel. If there is a good, well written TV show he will watch that, but as you can imagine they are few and far in between. The Office, Scurubs, David Letterman and Curb Your Enthusiasm are favorites. I also like the Daily Show, all Law and Order shows are also my favorites. Sweetie watches TV in the same way that some people only read non fiction. Oh yes, I totally forgot, he is a huge Yankee's fan, and loves football (The Giants). When I am at home I like to spend time with Sweetie, so he does watch some things that I am sure are not his preference, like the shows I like on HGTV (I like the designer shows, and the house transformation shows, he prefers DIY with This Old House and any wood working shows). All in all it works well, as I do like being informed, though not as informed as Sweetie likes to be.
You Tube is also a phenomena that I don't understand. Sure some of the videos are funny, but to me they are similar to chain letters and the jokes that people forward. Again, I am not part of that wave. I am far from a troglodyte, actually I am very nearly an early adopter (I would be one if I were not so cheep) but there are levels of information I choose not to participate in. Over stimulation, over informed and subject to people's personal lives on video are too much for me.
Dear reader, you can call me to task as I do have a blog, and it is filled with my personal musings, but it isn't that easy to find and I hardly ever tell people where to find it. I think that counts.
By the way, I did not go to work today due to a stomach ache, so I did not get dressed, so I have not repeated an outfit yet.