Thursday, November 15, 2007

Blogging Question

If you blog on Google and no one reads it are you really a blogger?

I just read some of the "to do list" blog. I used to write and finish my to do lists every day. Now I tend to write honey-do lists for Sweetie. My friend's husband makes very funny to do lists, and includes random things like bringing a plate of food to relatives who live in other cities (I suppose for this to be funny one must know the family).

Now, most often my to do lists are filled with projects I have to complete, and the clothes I need to take with me on a trip. Are lists about things we love also to do lists? I used to journal every night with a gratitude list. That was actually a very nice way to end the day. Lets see today (at noon) I am grateful for-- snow (it is snowing here in SW Michigan), my puppy Zak who one day should end up on the pages of this blog, my boyfriend Sweetie, he is very handy and fun to be with, my job- as it is intellectually stimulating.

Hmm maybe I should be less mundane. I am grateful for the women who will give me a Brazilian bikini wax, I am grateful for massage therapists who work out my stress, I am grateful to men who wear good smelling cologne (not overpowering, but appropriate and good smelling-- this was more important to me when I took the subway every day in NYC as I was close enough to many strangers to know what they smelled like (yikes)). I am grateful for the Keebler Elves and their cookies and wholesome snacks, I am grateful for the first person to create stuffing for a turkey, I am grateful to the American farmers who grow things for me to eat. I am grateful to all of the manufacturers of organic bath products. i am grateful to people with faith. I am grateful to people like my hairdesser, my doctors, my dentist and my therapists who help me be me.

I am grateful that I can be grateful.

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