Sunday, November 11, 2007

Inside Voice

Most people have private thoughts that they do not share. Here I plan to share mine. They are not deep and may not be interesting to anyone but me.

Today I want to extol the virtues and multiple uses for hair conditioner. It doesn't matter what type of conditioner one uses for these non hair conditioning uses, but I find one for dry hair that is cheep seems to work best. The first non hair conditioning use is for shaving, conditioner is slippery, and moisturizing, perfect for legs and underarms. Second is for removing wax from your nether regions after bikini, or Brazilian waxing.

This is another area that women tend not to share enough about. The Brazilian wax does in part seem to be an exercise in torture, but the benefits far outweigh the pain. First is the added sensation, less hair more friction, nuff said. The next is that without hair it is easier to clean the minge. You use less toilet paper so you are improving your carbon footprint, and finally your partner will appreciate the effort you have gone to for grooming and pleasure purposes.

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