Sunday, December 23, 2007

Little beings that the universe trusts us to raise

I love my puppy Zak. He is a Bichon who is currently 10.5 months old. He is at a kennel because Sweetie and I are going to Pittsburgh to see my family for Christmas.

Since getting Zak at 3 months old, he has not spend a night away from either Sweetie or me. It was very hard driving to the kennel to leave him there. We were going to take him, but he is still at a point that he does not like long car rides. We were going to take the 5 hour drive to Pittsburgh with Zak, but his whining, and motion sickness made us think twice. I came to the decision quicker than Sweetie, but once we inspected the kennel (on line) and I talked to people who have used it we decided to give it a go. He has 2 hours of play dates a day, he gets to eat his own raw food diet, and drink his own water. He is also sleeping in his own crate and has a few toys. I hope he is fine.

When we first got Zak I was a bit freaked out. Here was this adorable creature that is totally dependant on me for food, water and hygiene. I saw my carefree single woman days flying away from me. As a small puppy he ate 3 times a day and went out every 2 hours during the day and about every 5 to 6 at night. He had several accidents (not his fault) and I thought we would never be able to go out to dinner, or to the movies again. I actually had to stay home from work one day -- well I worked from home, because Sweetie had to go to NYC to take care of some family things. Had Zak not been so sweet and cuddly alone together I would have returned him. I kept threatning that if Sweetie was delayed in returning that when Sweetie got back Zak would be gone.

It took me about 2 weeks, and now I am to the point that I can not imagine what it was like without him. He is far cuter than he is cuddly (twice as cute as he is cuddly) but we deal with it. He will cuddle, but only on his own terms. Which I can respect.

When we were packing his food and toys and crate where he sleeps, I actually got a tummy ache as I realized that we were sending him away for the first time. How do people do that with their kids! Yikes.

I am glad that I don't want children, I don't think I could take it.