I was in the kitchen, a place where I am vowing to spend more time cooking so I can break my eating out habit, when the phone rang. It was a number I did not know but I answered any way. It was a poll. Political polls are interesting to me. At any rate the pollster asked me if I was voting in the Republican Primary this January. I said yes, he wanted to know if I am pro life, no; if I was anti gay marriage, No; if I thought that there should be a state or constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, No. Then he wanted to know who I was going to vote for. I selected McCain as the lesser of all evils. He then wanted to know if knowing that he voted with some democrats against Bush and his horrid Judicial nominees would change my mind, No. He brought up some other random middle of the road position of McCain's and asked if that would stop me. Again, No. He then gave up and ended the call.
It was so overtly conservative, and right wing nonsense that I was shocked.
Even though I am a registered republican and have been for 21 years, I could never vote for any of the current slate. Romney and his "Father marching with MLK," Rudy and his closet of horrors (just wait America... just wait); Ron Paul who is just nutty, and Huckabee who is even more religious and evangelical than W... Yikes. McCain is about the only one I could vote for from the group... but hopefully one of the really scary ones will be the nominee and we can have our first black president. Go Obama!